Eduardo Fricovsky, Pharm.D., a Health Sciences Assistant Clinical Professor in the UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy, received the American Pharmaceutical Association Immunization Champion Award for his service in Community Outreach providing increased awareness and delivery of vaccines to an underserved community in San Diego, California. As the Director of Pharmacy Services at the UC San Diego Student-Run Free Clinics since 2009, he has been an outstanding champion for the promotion of immunizations at these sites. The clinics are a collaborative effort of students from the UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and the School of Medicine, providing health care to 3,500 multicultural and multilingual, underserved, underinsured and homeless patients at four sites in the San Diego community. Under Dr. Fricovsky’s preceptorship, student and resident pharmacists participate in the administration of flu vaccines each year. Twenty-five pharmacy students have administered immunizations to patients at these outreach clinics during the Fall of 2012. The vaccine is used for this vulnerable group, which includes a patient population where 85% have diagnoses of diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, asthma and depression.